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Cuerden Church School Bamber Bridge home page


Church School

On a journey with Jesus;

growing, learning and loving God together

Homework Learning

Homework will be handed out each Monday and should be returned on a Friday.  We will assess spellings and times tables / number facts for the week on a Friday.  I have put together an overview of homework for the term so you can see what is required if you leave your homework book at home or school.   This half term homework will consist of:

Weekly spellings (following learning in class)

Please complete the spelling activity sheet.

Times table focus or number fact focus
A worksheet / activity will be provided to help you consolidate your knowledge.  Don't forget to use Times Tables Rockstars to help you too. 


Online Maths games

Click on the websites below to help you practise your maths skills:


Topmarks: Daily Ten

Topmarks: Hit the Button

Topmarks: Rounding Numbers

Topic Challenges:

Please check hand in dates on the homework guidance sheet.

Daily Reading:
Try to snuggle up with a book just before bed you may find reading one or two pages really relaxing.  We would love to read your comments about your reading journey in your journals.  Remember, if you earn 3 stars you get to join us on a Friday in our reading cafe.


On a journey with Jesus;

growing, learning and loving God together