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Church School

On a journey with Jesus;

growing, learning and loving God together


Spring 1



We have been reading the story 'Stone Age Boy' in English over the last few weeks. We have thought carefully about the character's thoughts and feelings and have used inverted commas for dialogue. 


The children have written diaries in role as characters from the story and have created story paths of their new, innovated text. We have changed the main character and the animal they meet in the dark, mysterious cave at the end of the story. 





We are continuing with our learning about multiplication and division in Maths. The children have been exploring arrays and using their knowledge of the 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s times tables. 


In Science this half term we have been learning all about rocks and fossils. We have identified different types of rocks and used chocolate bars to help us. For example cereal bars helped us to see different layers in sedimentary rocks and Crunchie chocolate bars helped us to see trapped gas bubbles in igneous rocks.


We also carried out an experiment to try and answer this question - Which rock would be best suited to build steps outside?


The children worked in small groups to make predictions based on a choice of rocks including granite, marble, clay, asphalt and pumice. We looked at what durable, permeable, impermeable and density means. The children decided on how to keep the test fair and recorded their findings in a table. 


We then looked at the process of fossilisation.




We have continued with our Stone Age topic this half term.  We have looked at prehistory and identify the different periods within the Stone Age. The children have learnt hunter-gatherers, homes in the Stone Age and clothing. We have also looked at Skara Brae and Stonehenge before moving onto learning about the Bronze Age and Iron Age. 


We have been learning how to play badminton in PE this half term.


This half term in Art we have been learning about printing. The children made observational drawings of fossils and then designed their own printing blocks. We used ink and rollers to create prints onto different coloured paper and fabrics. 

Spring 2



This half term we are reading 'The Iron Man' in English. The children will be reading each chapter of the novel and will be exploring the interesting vocabulary they find. We will be writing descriptions of the Iron Man using adverbs, alliteration and similes. The children will also be changing the main character and writing their own innovation of the text.


The children have used multiplication and division facts to compare statements and have used arrays to help them solve problems. We have also learnt how to use a grid method to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.

In Maths we have also been learning how to convert pounds and pence and have been looking at adding two amounts of money together. Next we will look at subtracting money and giving change. 

World Book Day

For World Book Day we read the book 'The Matchbox Diary'. The children enjoyed 'Books at Breakfast' in the classroom where they ate breakfast foods and shared their favourite book with their friends. Everyone brought in a special object from home that holds a special memory. The children wrote about their special memory and made their own matchbox to keep their memory inside. We also wrote riddles about our favourite books.


This half term in Geography we are learning all about volcanoes and earthquakes. The children will learn what volcanoes are, how they are formed and why they erupt. We will also study where volcanoes are located around the world. We will also look at earthquakes and what causes them as well as any recent earthquakes from around the world. 


This half term we have been exploring Easter in RE. The children have looked at the events of Palm Sunday and wrote a lovely acrostic poem about this. We then explored the events of Holy Week and discussed artwork by Ethiopian artist Nebiyu Assefa. We have also looked at crosses from around the world with the children designing their own cross to represent their life. 

On a journey with Jesus;

growing, learning and loving God together