Autumn Term
Whole school rugby festival
On Friday 23rd September, children from Years 1 to 6 worked with Andy from the South Ribble Active Health Team to learn about tag rugby. Andy taught the children a variety of skills including how to move with the ball, how to score a try and how to play a game of tag rugby.
Outdoor Learning
We are in the process of creating a wonderful outdoor learning environment in the school grounds. We have been working with Wildwood Days to create a super outdoor shelter.

Whole school Dance festival
On Monday 28th November the whole school participated in a Dance festival which was led by Katie, a coach from the South Ribble Active Health Team.

Whole school Athletics festival
On Monday 12th December, the whole school joined in with athletics events as part of a festival led by Andy from the South Ribble Active Health Team.
Spring Term
Swimming pool
We have been very excited to welcome 'Pools to Schools' from Pro Sport into school this week! Children in Key Stage Two have all participated in intensive swimming lessons in the portable pool on the playground. All of the children have thoroughly enjoyed their swimming lessons and have made excellent progress. Children in Year 2 also enjoyed a taster session with Georgia, the swimming coach and Harris and Jordan, the lifeguards.

Whole school Yoga festival
On Monday 13th March the whole school participated in a yoga festival led by Tanya from the south Ribble Active Health Team. The children learnt about different yoga movements, breathing techniques and also joined in with positive affirmations. Everybody had a lovely time and found it very relaxing!