Home Learning
Homework in Year 2
Reading – Every child is given a reading book for reading homework. Children should aloud to an adult every day at home to develop fluency. The book should be read twice for this reason. The children have a Reading Record which needs to be signed before handing the book in to be changed. It would also be lovely to hear about what the children are reading for pleasure at home, so please feel free to add this!
Spellings – The children receive new spellings on Mondays and these will be in their spelling book, which needs to be returned each Friday. Spelling activities to support this learning will be added to their homework books. This means that the children can practise their spellings during the week before testing on Fridays. The spelling books will be marked so that you can see how well they did when their book is returned.
Maths practice – Number facts to be practised daily. There are games that might be given out to support this learning and also password access to Numbots. Numbots is an excellent tool to develop fluency in maths.
The children have been given a homework book. This contains any passwords or letters relating to homework and can be used to practise spellings or number facts. The children will also be given half termly projects that link to our wider curriculum. Please keep checking the class webpage for updates or further information relating to home learning.