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Church School

On a journey with Jesus;

growing, learning and loving God together

Special Events

Click on the link below to take a look at the Special Events for this school year.

Have a look at the page below to see Special Events that have taken place in previous years.



Autumn Term


Whole-school rugby festival

On Wednesday 8th September, children from Years 1 to 6 worked alongside two coaches from the South Ribble Sports Development Team to learn the tactics of the game rugby. The children learnt a variety of skills including how to run with the ball, how to score a try and how to play the team game tag rugby. Everyone had a great time playing this game on the school field. 


"We had to run around to try to get the ball so we could score a try." - Theo in Y4.


"We liked the games we played to get the ball from our partner." - Grace and Faye in Y3.


"We had to get the tags off people from the opposite team so we could get the ball and pass it to our teammates to score a try." - Alfie Y5.


Morrisons gardening tokens

Morrisons have recently launched the 'It's Good to Grow' programme to inspire children to get outdoors, grow, learn and enjoy fresh food. For every £10 that is spent online or in store at Morrisons, you will receive a 'Grow Token' to help our school get everything we need to get growing.


By downloading the 'My Morrisons' app you can choose our school to donate your tokens to. School will then exchange the Grow Tokens for FREE gardening equipment to get the children growing in the allotment in our Forest Schools area.


Whole-school Paralympics Festival

On Wednesday 3rd November, children from Reception to Year 6 worked alongside two coaches from Sports Development to learn about different Paralympic sports, including boccia, blind football and curling. The children have learnt a variety of skills for each of these sports including how to use their different senses and how to throw and aim for a target. Everybody had a fantastic time and Coach Andy complimented every class on their excellent behaviour and listening skills!


"We played blind football in pairs. One of us was the goalkeeper with a blindfold on and the other had to roll the ball to try to score a goal." Joshua F Y3


"We played boccia. We had to throw a coloured ball and try to hit the white ball. This is a wheelchair sport." - Kenzi Y3


"I liked the curling the most. It was really hard to hit the target but it was great fun." - Faye Y3

Scoot Safe

The children have also participated in 'Scoot Safe' this half term. They learnt how to scoot safely to and from school. 


Donna and Danielle, coaches from the South Ribble Active Health Team, taught the children about the importance of wearing a helmet and using other safety equipment as well as identifying the parts of a scooter including the handle bars, frame, break, grip, clamp, deck and wheels. The children were shown how they need to check these parts of their scooter so that they know it is safe to use. 


Later in the afternoon the children went outside onto the playground to practise the skills that they had learnt. 

Year 3 trip to South Ribble Tennis Centre

On Tuesday 9th November, Year 3 had a great day working alongside South Ribble Active Health Team at South Ribble Tennis Centre. The children learnt how being physically active can help their wellbeing. Everyone had a fantastic time whilst participating in different activities including dance, aerobics, football and even had a go on an inflatable assault course! The children used a variety of skills including resilience and teamwork. A big thank you to the South Ribble Active Health Team for inviting us!

BBC Children in Need - Joe Wicks workout

On Friday morning, children in Reception, Year 2 and Year 3 all participated in the live Joe Wicks workout for Children in Need 2021. 

Spring Term


Whole-school football festival

On Wednesday 5th January, each class worked with Andy and Andy from the South Ribble Active Health Team to learn some of the skills and tactics needed to play football. The children learnt a variety of skills including controlling a ball, kicking the ball using different parts of their foot and how to dodge. 


Whole school rackets festival

On Wednesday 23rd February, each class worked alongside two coaches from the South Ribble Active Health Term to participate in a tennis festival. The children learnt a variety of skills including controlling a ball, throwing a ball, hitting a ball with a racket and aiming. 

Summer Term


Whole school striking and fielding festival

On Wednesday 20th April, Andy and Andy from the South Ribble Active Health Team worked alongside each class to teach them the skills and tactics needed to play cricket. 


This week the 'Yogi Yoga Group' have been in school to lead yoga and mindfulness sessions with each class. The children practiced breathing techniques, had a go at some 'sun salutations' and learnt some positive affirmations to say to themselves. Everybody also joined in with a variety of mindfulness activities and learnt about relaxation and posture techniques. It was great fun and very calming.

Sports Day

On Monday 23rd May it was our annual Sports Day! The whole school participated in a variety of events including egg and spoon races, skipping races, running races, relay races and sack races. A big well done to everyone! 

Whole school athletics festival

On Wednesday 8th June, each class worked alongside two coaches from the South Ribble Active Health Team to learn some of the skills needed to compete in indoor athletics events.

Dance from the Heart

On Tuesday 28th June, the whole school participated in the annual 'Dance from the Heart' event. This year's event was led by Anthony and Katie from the South Ribble Active Health Team and everybody had a great time and joined in with the routine. It was wonderful to start the day dancing outside for the first time in a few years! A big well done to the Year 5 dancers for leading the whole school! 

Previous Years




In the Autumn Term, Year 6 had a great week during their Bikeability sessions. The children now have the skills and confidence to ride their bikes safely on the road.

Virtual School Games

Throughout the Autumn Term, each class participated in lots of different games and activities including football, netball and orienteering. 


In the Autumn Term, each class had an afternoon session of yoga with a specialist coach. The children participated in a variety of mindfulness activities and learnt about relaxation and posture techniques.

Active Advent

To celebrate Advent in the lead up to Christmas every class participated in 'Active Advent' where they were given a quick, five-minute exercise challenge to complete each day. Challenges included hula-hooping, star jumps, running and balancing. 

Home Learning

When learning at home during the Spring Term, every class was set a variety of PE challenges each week on Showbie. Activities included yoga, mindfulness, dance, gymnastics, football, games, 60 second challenges, outdoor and adventure activities and health related exercises. 

Scoot Safe

Children in Year 3 participated in 'Scoot Safe' on Monday 26th April. They learnt how to scoot safely to and from school. 


Donna, a coach from the South Ribble Sports Development Team, taught the children about the importance of wearing a helmet and using other safety equipment as well as identifying the parts of a scooter including the handle bars, frame, break, grip, clamp, deck and wheels. The children were shown how they need to check these parts of their scooter so that they know it is safe to use. 


Later in the afternoon the children went outside onto the playground to practise the skills that they had learnt. 

Olympics Sports Week

We've had a very exciting week in school this week! The whole school has participated in lots of different sporting activities.


On Monday and Friday each class has worked with Azeem Amir, a blind footballer for the Great Britain blind football team. It was very interesting to learn all about his life. When playing this Paralympic sport, the children wore blindfolds and had to use their listening and teamwork skills to guide their partner around the hall. Listening to Azeem and learning about how he plays sport with a visual impairment was very inspirational. 


On Tuesday, Anthony from the South Ribble Sports Development Team, led an Olympics Day. All of the children were part of a team and represented a different country. Everybody joined in with different events including running, long jump, throwing javelins and relay races. Once all of the points had been counted, the overall winner was a Team Japan. A big well done to everyone in this team!


On Wednesday and Thursday, Lauren from Lancashire Cricket came to run a workshop with each class. The children had great fun learning the tactics of the game. 


Each class has also researched a country and found out interesting information such as famous landmarks, culture and food. We have also been celebrating the results of the Euro 2020 competition! 




In October Year 6 had a super week during their Bikeability sessions. The children now have the skills and confidence to ride their bikes safely on the road.

Ju Jitsu

Every class had the opportunity to participate in a Ju Jitsu taster session. Everybody learnt some simple moves that are used in this type of martial art. A lot of the children were eager to sign up for a place at the local Ju Jitsu club! 

Active Advent

To celebrate the lead up to Christmas every class has participated in 'Active Advent' where they have been given the challenge of a quick 5-minute exercise to complete each day. Activities have included hopping, yoga, running and balances just to name a few!

Scoot Safe

Children in Year 3 participated in Scoot Safe on Friday 7th February. They learnt how to scoot safely to and from school using a scheme developed by the South Ribble Sports Development Team and Lancashire County Council's Road Safety & Sustainable Travel Team. 


During the morning, Donna taught the children about the importance of wearing a helmet and other safety equipment as well as identifying different parts of a scooter including the handle bars, frame, break, grip, clamp, deck and wheels. The children were shown how they need to check these parts of their scooter so that they know it is safe to use. 


We also discussed the safe places to ride a scooter such as the pavement, parks and gardens at home. The children also learnt that balancing on a scooter is a good form of exercise. 


Later in the morning the children went outside and practised the skills that they had learnt about using scooters safely and confidently. 

Dance from the Heart training

On Tuesday 10th March, eight Year 5 children participated in a training workshop alongside several other schools to learn this year's Olympics-themed dance routine. The training was led by Sharn from the South Ribble Sports Development Team and took place at our school.


Year 5 will now lead sessions with each class so that they can teach the whole school the routine ready for the roadshow event in the Summer Term.

Lancashire School Games Virtual Sports Day


Over the last few weeks we have been participating in the Lancashire School Games Virtual Sports Day! Children both at home and in school have had great fun trying to beat personal bests and participating in lots of different races and challenges. Everybody who joined in received a special certificate. 


Playground Markings 

During the summer holidays we had some new, exciting playground markings installed on both the infant and junior playgrounds. The markings include an alphabet caterpillar, a hopscotch, a compass, roleplay opportunities, a running track, a long jump track and a games court to name a few. These markings provide the children with new opportunities to be physically active at playtimes and during outdoor PE lessons. 


In September the Year 6 children had a great week during their bikeability sessions. All of the children passed the course and now have the skills and confidence to ride their bikes safely on the road. 

Ju Jitsu 

In October the whole school participated in a Ju Jitsu taster session. Every child learnt some simple defensive moves that are used in this type of martial art. It was great to see how enthusiastic everybody was to try something new. Lots of our children were inspired to sign up to a local Ju Jitsu club and we can't wait to hear about their progress! 

Heart Start (Emergency Life-Saving training) 

Children in Year 6 received special training this week to provide them with the knowledge of when and how to act in a life-threatening emergency. All of the children participated in a practical two-hour session.

Scoot Safe 

The children in Year 3 had a fantastic time during their Scoot Safe training this week. They have all learnt how to scoot safely to and from school using a scheme developed by the South Ribble Sports Development Team and Lancashire County Council's Road Safety & Sustainable Travel Team.


During the afternoon, Jake also taught the children about how to use scooters safely and confidently. They also learned about what important safety equipment they should be using when out on their scooters.

Dance from the Heart training 

This week a group of Year 5 children participated in a training workshop alongside several other schools to learn this year's space-themed dance routine. The training was led by Sharn from the South Ribble Sports Development Team.


Our Year 5 children will now lead sessions with each class so that they can teach the whole school the routine ready for the event in the Summer Term.

Sports Day

We had a wonderful time at Sports Day this week. The weather was fantastic and the children were very supportive of each other throughout all of the races. It was also lovely to see so many families who came to watch the children. A big thank you to Year 6 who helped Miss Corry and Miss Chapman organise the afternoon.

Dance from the Heart

On Friday 14th June the whole school participated in the annual 'Dance from the Heart' event. Everybody had a fantastic time and joined in with the routine. Afterwards we were joined by 'Bounce Bot' for a performance!


The children in Year 1 had also created a lovely piece of artwork to show solutions for saving the planet. Passion and Owen from the Sports Council presented this to Sharn from South Ribble and to the Mayor and Mayoress of South Ribble.



Ju Jitsu taster session

This week two Ju Jitsu instructors visited school to offer taster sessions to each class. Year 1 learnt some simple moves used in the martial art:


"We had to use a kick to try and push the instructor over." - Kyle


"We had to use our hands to block our partner." - Faith


"At the end of the lesson we had to bow to our partner." - Jenson

A surprise visit from Preston North End footballers

On Wednesday 8th November we received a surprise visit from two PNE footballers, Callum Woods and Tom Barkhuizen, as part of our involvement in the Premier League Primary Stars programme. All of the children participated in a question and answer session with Callum and Tom. Afterwards, the Sports Councillors asked them for autographs and had their photograph taken. Joshua was very impressed and said, "It was really good to meet professional footballers."

After our surprise visit from Callum and Tom we appeared in the next match day programme! Click on the link below to read the article. 

Dance from the Heart training 

Recently a small group of children from Year 5 participated in a workshop with several other schools from the local area to learn this year's dance routine. The training was lead by Sian from the South Ribble Sports Development team. Year 5 will now teach the rest of the school the routine ready for the event in the Summer Term.

Sports Day

We had a fantastic time at Sports Day this Wednesday and were particularly lucky with the glorious weather! It was wonderful to see how supportive the children were of each other as they competed in each race. A special thank you to Year 6 who helped Miss Chapman, Mrs McDougall and Mrs Barker organise all of the races. 

Outdoor and Adventure - Special Interest Week

Our Summer Term Special Interest Week was a great success! All classes have been on some very interesting trips to Hothersall Lodge, The Anderton Centre and Haigh Hall Woodland Park. Everyone also had the opportunity to try out an inflatable assault course and archery with even some members of staff having a go! 


On Wednesday we participated in the yearly 'Dance from the Heart' festival which was great fun. The children performed a dance routine to music from a variety of musicals. Sharn and the team from South Ribble Sports Development were very impressed! We also had a visit from the Mayor and an acrobatic team. 


Classes have also been busy using the school grounds for orienteering, competitive games and to create their own obstacle courses. It has been a very exciting week!

On a journey with Jesus;

growing, learning and loving God together