Year 1
Teacher- Miss S Croft
Teaching Assistants- Mrs K Turner and Miss C Boardman
Example Class Timetable
Year One Curriculum Overview
Phonics in Year One
In Year One, the children continue their Phonics journey. In EYFS (Reception) they will have learned the Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds. In Year One we recap Phase 3 and teach Phase 4 and Phase 5 (alternative graphemes, alternative pronunciations and alternative spellings).
There are many ways that you can support your child with their Phonics acquisition:
1. Hear your child read lots at home (at least 4 days a week)
2. Practise the sounds they have been taught regularly at home (e.g. flashcards and sound mat games)
3. Support your child with their weekly spelling homework
4. Play games (e.g. snakes and ladders, bowling and BINGO)
Phonics Sounds Mat
Maths in Year One
In Year 1, children will need to count forwards and backwards up to 100. They will need to know their addition and subtraction facts to 20. They will start to learn about times tables through the use of simple multiplication and division problems, for which they will be given objects to help them work out what is being asked.
Children will need to find half and a quarter of a shape or quantity. They will start to measure using standard units and will learn to tell the time to the hour and half-hour. They will learn to name some common 2D and 3D shapes.
Ways to help at home:
- Play games: a simple board game such as snakes and ladders gives your child valuable practice in counting on. Dominoes are also good for counting spots and matching numbers
- Sort things out: if you have a box of beads, sort them by size or colour
- Look for numbers when you go out – look on houses, buses, road signs
- Ask your child to set the table: they’ll have to count the settings and work out how much cutlery is needed
- Get cooking: children love to weigh out the ingredients and check the timer