Eco Council
Did you know, if a class of 30 children sent each other a card, that would be 900 cards for each class? Eco-Council would like us to reduce the number of Christmas cards sent out.
The Big Idea
Instead of bringing Christmas cards, bring a suggested donation of £1. At the end of term, the donations will be put together with other fundraising in school and used to support The Salvation Army Christmas Appeal. This is an important charity, which we are supporting during Advent and whilst thinking about the Christian value of compassion.
Last year, our Christmas card pledge raised £45.54, which was used to dedicate three trees for The Woodland Trust. Thank you to everyone who helped raise money for this cause. Let's see if we can raise even more this year!
During the summer term, we re-applied for the Eco-Schools Silver Award, in preparation for working towards Green Flag status. We are pleased to let you know we were again successful in gaining this award!
A competition has been launched by Authors 4 Oceans to raise awareness about reducing plastic waste and saving our oceans. This competition is open to KS2 and a letter has been given to children to explain. Eco-Council would love to see you being creative with your junk modelling! The information for the competition can be found on the letter below and further information is available by following the link below.
Competition letter: Authors 4 Oceans
Do you feel creative?
The Eco-Council would like you to design an Eco-Code poster to be displayed around the school.
The Eco-Council listened to your ideas about what you think is important about looking after our environment. You chose:
Keeping our school neat, tidy and litter-free. |
Saving resources by not wasting anything, such as paper. |
Saving water by using taps correctly. |
Encouraging nature and promoting the care of our wildlife. |
Encouraging nature and promoting the care of our wildlife.
Saving energy by turning lights and other electricals off when they are not being used. |
Walking to school, rather than using the car more than we need to. |
We need a poster to promote these ideas around the school.
The poster must be on A4 paper but can be portrait or landscape
It must show the ideas that we have discussed about how to look after our environment. Your writing must be spelled correctly and be easy to read.
You can colour the poster and decorate it but remember that the message is the most important part.
You can use anything you like to decorate the poster (felt tips, paint, etc) or you can make it on a computer.
All entries need to have your name and class on the back and be handed to your teacher by Friday 17th November at the latest.
Click on the links to see examples of Eco-Codes from participating Eco-Schools.
Cuerden Church School
Silver Award Winner
Silver Award criteria:
- The school has identified an Eco-Committee consisting of pupils and adults which meets at least once every half term
- Pupils share the responsibility with adults for running the committee (the level of responsibility expected depends on the age and ability of the pupils involved)
- The Eco-Committee includes a parent and/or governor representative
- Records are kept of meetings
- The Eco-Committee has completed an Environmental Review covering the Eco-Schools topics
- Results of the review have been discussed by the Eco-Committee and communicated with the whole school
- The Eco-Committee has produced a detailed Action Plan
- The plan contains timescales, targets and who is responsible
- The Eco-Committee has shared the plan with the rest of the school
- The school can indicate that some environmental issues have been covered within curriculum work in most year groups
- The school has a prominent, designated noticeboard, detailing Eco-Schools activities
- The Eco-Committee regularly communicates Eco-Schools work to the rest of the school and the wider community (eg. via assemblies and newsletters)
- The Eco-Committee monitors the effectiveness of Eco-Schools work (eg. via data collection, before and after photographs etc)
- The school has an agreed, adopted and displayed Eco-Code
The Eco Council is made up of two children in each class from Years 1 to Years 6. We meet every half term to look at the action plan and to decide what is going well and what we need to improve as a school to be more environmentally friendly.
Example activities we take part in are:
- designing posters to encourage environmental work
- run an Eco-Code competition
- taking part in Switch Off Fortnight
- making Christmas decorations out of recycled materials
- sharing what we are doing in newsletters
- presenting a assemblies about recycling and what an Eco Club does