An important reminder about internet safety
The children are taught about internet safety in school and families can find further information about this in the Policies section of the school website. Some of the recommended websites are subscription sites provided by the school and the children have been given passwords where needed. They are taught that they should not share these passwords. For further information about internet safety, please follow the links below.
Numbots (password from school required) Support for fluency in place value, addition and subtraction.
TT Rockstars How well can you learn your times tables by heart? (Password from school required)
Place Value Activities from Topmarks to support the recognition and understanding of place value.
Place Value An activity to recognise numbers using Base 10.
Hit the Button Support for fluency in recalling maths facts.
Number Fact Families Fluency activities for number recall
Money A range of activities to support understanding of money.
Sorting 2D shapes Use this Topmarks site to sort 2D shapes onto a Carroll Diagram.
Telling the Time Mathsframe activities to support telling the time
Vocabulary Ninja A brilliant set of free games to enhance basic literacy skills.
- Spelling Pattern activities
Word Hippo A child-friendly online dictionary
Pobble 365 This is a brilliant website that we have used in class. Literacy skills are practised through pictures which are updated every day. Why not see what picture it will be for your birthday?
Explorify Excellent resources to support science at home. This website is also used in class.
Primary Science Teaching Trust PSTT in collaboration with Science Sparks - activities to support science learning at home.
Primary Homework Help Information about the six major religions.
Dance Mat Typing From the BBC to support keyboard skills