We are currently updating this section of our website. To find out more about worship at Cuerden please click on the link below which will take you to:
Our Journey with Jesus.
The Lord's Prayer in sign language.
Our Prayer Walk
In the Summer of 2013, we built a Prayer Walk for our field pathway that helps us to remember why and how we should pray.
Every child made sketches of their ideas then Jeff from Eco-arts used them to design and construct the wooden sculptures. We can see some of our ideas in the sculptures.
Each sculpture has a different theme - praise and saying sorry, please and thank you to God. To celebrate its installation, the whole school walked round the Prayer Walk together. The older children helped the little ones to look and pray.
We use the Prayer Walk in whole school and class worship and in R.E. lessons.
Do you have any ideas how we could use our Prayer Walk in the future?