Learning Mentor
The Learning Mentor at Cuerden Church School is Mrs Murray
What is a Learning Mentor?
My job is to work with children, parents,carers,teachers and other agencies on various issues that may be affecting a child's learning.
I work alongside all school staff to support our pupils and parents/carers.
How can I help?
I may be part of your child's support network at school, helping with:
- punctuality & attendance
- phonics and literacy work
- changes in behaviour causing barriers to learning
- difficulties with developing & maintaining friendships
- Issues with alleged bullying
- low self esteem and confidence
- settling in of new children
- transition to their next class, key stage or high school
- support parents/carers with routines and managing behaviours at home.
- point of contact for parents on a daily basis.
Referrals |
Referrals to the Learning Mentor can be made by parents or by class teachers.
- To make a referral please speak with your child’s class teacher or Mrs Murray.
- Mrs. Murray may also undertake observations of your child in the classroom / in the playground.
- The appropriate intervention will then be decided on using all of this information.
Why do some children need mentoring support?
Pupils of all ability levels can be identified as underachieving because of a wide range of social and emotional factors. These barriers can become internalised, taking the form of low self-esteem, lack of confidence, poor concentration and difficulties in relationships or unmanageable feelings of anger, loss or sadness. They may also affect health, attendance, and level of engagement in learning.
The causes can be multi layered involving a change in family circumstances, bereavement, relationships, adapting to a new culture. These pupils need short term support to sort out and make sense of what is happening to them, to reflect on how their actions can be causing problems and to work out ways to making life better.
Learning Mentor Role at Cuerden Church School
Mrs Murray meets with SENCOs, senior managers and support staff to share information.
She works alongside class teachers in delivering PSHE, circle times, and contribute to whole school policies and events that address bullying, positive relationships and inclusion. Mrs Murray has a special responsibility for attendance and punctuality where she will liaise closely with the administration staff and Education Welfare Officers.
One to One Interventions
Mrs Murray meets with focus children regularly over an agreed length of time, individually, in a group and in class. The level of intervention can vary from high focus to light touch:
Significant long term intervention of two to three terms
Medium intervention, over six to twelve weeks
Low intervention, a few sessions or short contact once a week
Focus Groups
Mrs Murray facilitates a variety of groups which can be based on developmental groups focusing on social skills, team work, improving listening and communication and friendships and transition. Circle time and Circle of Friends is also used as needed. These opportunities provide a safe environment for children to explore with their peers issues that are relevant to them.